Saturday, July 2, 2016

100% Natural Vitamin E Facial Cleanser

I am really happy with this face cleaner. I had been looking for something that could remove all of my make-up with out me having to use make-up remover. I hate how oily make up remover makes my face.  I have used this cleaner daily for a few weeks and I absolutely love it. it makes my face feel so smooth. It cleans my face really well. I used to have noticeable pours on my face and now I dont.
I love that it is 100% natural. It has no harsh things in it. It has vitamin E it in. It is very easy to use.

  • Damp your face
  • Pump a small amount into your hand, massage it on to your face.
  • Massage it enough til it comes sudsy.
  • Then I let it stay on my face for about 3-5 minutes then i rinse it off,
 it is that simple.

I give this product 5 out of 5 stars, I will put a link to the amazon page that it was purchased from at the end of my review.

I got this product deeply discounted, I was in no way compensated for my honest opinion.

100% Natural Vitamin E Facial Cleanser

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