Sunday, July 3, 2016

Perlli Tea and Fruit Infusion Pitcher

This is one amazing pitcher that I have here. It is great for making sun tea, kool-aid, and even just using it for fruit water. I love that it comes with two different rods for the middle of the pitcher. I like to chop up fruit and put it in the one with the holes in it and fill the pitcher up with water. Leave it over night and you will have some really good fruit water. Or you can fill the solid one up with water put it in your freezer for a few hours or until it has frozen solid and just screw it into the cap on the pitcher and it will keep your desired drink in the pitcher cold. This is a really good set to have.
I will leave a link to the pitcher at the end of this post.
I give this 5 out of 5 stars.
I got this for free, I was in no way compensated for my honest opinion.

Perlli Tea and Fruit Infusion Pitcher

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