Saturday, July 2, 2016

Alps 2 Person Ultraviolet-proof for Outdoor Sports Camping Hiking Travel with Zippered Door Tent With Carry Bag

Where do I began? This is a very nice tent. It was very easy to put together. However if this is your first time putting a tent together you are going to want to google how to put up a tent because it came with no instructions as to how to put it together. This was my first time putting a tent together so here is what I done.

  • First I laid the tent out on the ground. 
  • I took the rods and thread them through the holes on the tent up top. 
  • then I unzipped the tent.
  • I took the things that you put in the ground to hold it in place. Just took them and put them through the holes at the bottom of the tent and  pressed it into the ground.
That was all it was to it. It was very easy and I just knew that it was going to be more that what i was expecting. 
This tent is made very well and It stood through a very bad storm and it didn't even budge.
This tent is big enough for two adults or three children. 

I give this tent 5 out of 5 stars. There is a link at the end of this review that will take you to this tent.

I got this for free, I was in no way compensated for my honest opinion of this tent.

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