Saturday, July 2, 2016

Rechargeable Pet Nail Grinder, Amir® Gentle Paws Nail Grinder

Rechargeable Pet Nail Grinder, Amir® Gentle Paws Nail Grinder, Electric Premium Nail Grinder Professional Pet Nail Trimmer for Dogs and Cats/Pet Grooming KitThis is one of the coolest pet nail grinders that I have even seen. I was surprised when I got it in and it said rechargeable. It comes with a usb that you can plug into your charger port outlet or you can just plug it into your computer and it will charge it.

Normally when I call Pigg's name ( Pigg is my lovely doggie ) he runs like the wind. Because he knows that when i call him a certain way he is about to get his nails cut. Well not any more he likes getting his nails grind. One thing that I love about this is when you are grinding nails you dont have to worry about cutting them too short because you are in control of that. I usually run his nails on the grinder about 5 times and then he is ready to go.

These are very easy to use and I am really happy that I got these.
I give these 5 out of 5 stars.
I will also leave a link to these at the end of my review.

I got these for free, I was in no way compensated for my honest review.

Rechargeable Pet Nail Grinder

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